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What you can do to help your students

Students that are going to start college after their high school experience are going through a lot of things. Some of the things these students experience depression and anxiety, in the article "Suicide Prevention For College Students" by John MacPhee it talks about how 41% of students feel depressed and 62% have high anxiety. MacPhee also mentions that one in five students has a substance disorder, which is probably caused by depression or anxiety. The second leading cause of death to people between the ages of ten and forty-three according to the article is suicide. This is important since is what a majority of people are going through during this time and something needs to change.

After the article gives the reader some facts about mental illness, it then goes to talk about what others can do and more specifically what families, other students, and colleges can do. The article tells families that they need to stay in touch with their kids during this transition. Colleges can offer services to teens and provide information. Students can talk about these issues with others and also provide information and sources. This website is helpful since it gives some information about mental illness common with teens and then it provides some ways to help talk about this issue.


Students: About
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