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We spoke with Megan Marks via email to gain insight on mental health care from a professional point of view.

How do you work to inform students and the community about your services?

"There are many ways that we work to reach students to let them know about the UKCC. We are involved in Merit Weekend and See Blue Orientation - often a mix of programs and tabling sessions.We work with many offices on campus such as CARES, MLK Center. Fraternity and Sorority life, LGBTQ center to let them know about our services."

What do you focus on when helping a patient?

"A priority for all our clinicians is to build a supportive relationship with each of our clients. Once we have a supportive relationship with clients, we work in helping them define and achieve their goals."

What's most challenging for an employee in the Counseling Center?

"All of our staff really love working with students. We often feel inspired and energized from our work. However, we are often sitting with students who are in a lot of pain and have endured a lot of pain. While it is an honor to sit with students on their journey, it requires that we take good care of ourselves so that we have the energy to provide for our students. Some days are harder than other."

Do your services cost money?

"Our services are covered by a student's enrollment in at least six classes."

Are there services for athletes? If so, are they different from other students?

"All of our clinicians are considered to be generalists which means that any of us can work with any student. Several of our staff members have interest and expertise in serving athletes. We see a variety of athletes in our center."

What can individuals do to help others?

"Feeling understood and listened to by our support system is really important. So we encourage folks to ask friends how they're doing, follow up with them when you know they are going through a hard time. Offer to sit and listen to them."

Interview: About
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